Healthier Smiles For Patients With Diabetes - Jamie Collins RDH
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Jamie Collins, RDH-EA
Released: 3/25/25
Jamie Collins RDH discusses healthier smiles for patients with diabetes.
Dr. Snyder on Bulk Injectables, FSC and HPC-filler Technologies (04:36)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 6/30/23
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses using bulk injectables such as G-ænial™ BULK Injectable, G-ænial™ Universal Injectable, and G-ænial™ Flo X, and the benefits of GC's proprietary FSC (Full-coverage Silane Coating) technology and HPC-filler (High-performance Pulverized CERASMART® Filler) technology.
Dr. Lowe on Simplified Unishade System (06:29)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Bob Lowe
Released: 4/6/23
Dr. Bob Lowe discusses the Simplified Unishade System for restorations using G-ænial™ A'CHORD, G-Premio BOND, and G-ænial™ Universal Injectable.
Dr. Snyder on Glass Ionomers & EQUIA Forte HT (04:42)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 8/31/22
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses glass ionomers and the benefits if using EQUIA Forte® HT, a bulk fill glass hybrid long term restorative system.
Dr. Auster on G-CEM ONE + Adhesive Enhancing Primer (03:11)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Peter Auster
Released: 8/31/22
Dr. Peter Auster discusses the benefits of using G-CEM ONE™ in conjunction with G-CEM ONE™ Adhesive Enhancing Primer (AEP) for retentive and non-retentive preps.
Dr. Shuman on LuxaCrown and Ecosite (02:06)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. Troy Schmedding, DDS, AACD
Released: 6/16/22
Dr. Ian Shuman shares several clinical cases for correcting occlusion intraorally using LuxaCrown and Ecosite.
Dr. Snyder on Injectable Composites (04:11)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 4/22/22
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses the difference between flowable composites versus injectable composites and goes over the benefits and uses for GC's line of products: G-ænial™ Flo X, G-ænial™ Universal Flo, G-ænial™ Universal Injectable, and G-ænial™ BULK Injectable.
Dr. Rice on Tetric PowerFlow (04:02)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. David Rice
Released: 4/22/22
Dr. David Rice goes over the ideal qualities of a flowable composite, like Tetric® PowerFlow from Ivoclar, for posterior teeth.
Dr. Bunek on the DENTAL ADVISOR (03:58)
Sponsor: Dental Advisor
Presenter: Dr. Sabiha Bunek
Released: 3/31/22
Dr. Sabiha Bunek talks about the DENTAL ADVISOR and how they provide the dental industry with unbiased trusted information on products and equipment.
Dr. Halpern on CERASMART 270 (03:36)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Karyn Halpern
Released: 12/21/21
Dr. Karyn Halpern discusses the benefits of using CERASMART® 270.
Dr. Halpern on CERASMART 270 Cementation Guidelines (04:18)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Karyn Halpern
Released: 12/21/21
Dr. Karyn Halpern goes over the Cementation Guidelines for using CERASMART® 270, which includes applying a silane coupling agent like G-Multi PRIMER and using the adhesive enhancing primer (AEP) and resin cement duo of G-CEM ONE™.
Dr. Bassett on LuxaCrown, StatusBlue and TempoCemID (03:29)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. Joyce Bassett
Released: 11/29/21
Dr. Joyce Bassett discusses the benefits of using LuxaCrown and shows a clinical case using StatusBlue, TempoCemID, and LuxaCrown.
Dr. Albrecht on COMPONEER (03:16)
Sponsor: COLTENE
Presenter: Dr. Lundon Albrecht
Released: 11/29/21
Dr. Lundon Albrecht discusses the features of COMPONEER, especially the rough intaglio surface of the composite enamel shell that allows it to bond to the tooth.
Dr. Joy on Embrace WetBond Pit & Fissure Sealant (04:42)
Sponsor: Pulpdent
Presenter: Dr. Joy Void-Holmes, RDH, BSDH, DHSc
Released: 9/15/21
Dr. Joy Void-Holmes, RDH, BSDH, DHSc discusses the characteristics and clinical outcomes of using Embrace™ WetBond™ Pit & Fissure Sealant.
Dr. Fagin on IPS e.max Lithium Disilicate (04:40)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Marshall Fagin
Released: 9/15/21
Dr. Marshall Fagin talks about the clinical performance and esthetic considerations of IPS e.max Lithium Disilicate materials.
Dr. Lawson on ICON (02:41)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. Nathaniel Lawson
Released: 8/11/21
Dr. Nathaniel Lawson discusses the benefits and steps in using ICON resin infiltration.
Dr. Cone on G-CEM ONE (17:15)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Miles Cone
Released: 6/22/21
Dr. Miles Cone talks about he benefits of G-CEM ONE™ and shows clinical use cases.
Dr. Kachalia on GC FujiCEM Evolve (01:23)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Parag Kachalia
Released: 6/22/21
Dr. Parag Kachalia discusses features of GC FujiCEM® Evolve.
Jerry Varner and Dr. Juliani on PrograMill One and IPS e.max CAD (03:40)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: David Juliani, Angela Severance and Jerry Varner
Released: 5/14/21
Jerry Varner and Dr. David Juliani demonstrates how the highly automated PrograMill One mills a restoration using an IPS e.max CAD block.
Dr. Kleive on DMG 3Demax, 3Dewash and 3Decure (03:57)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. Mark Kleive
Released: 5/7/21
Dr. Mark Kleive discusses in-office 3D printing, washing and curing using DMG 3Demax, 3Dewash and 3Decure.
Dr. Rice on using LuxaCrown as a Temp (03:25)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. David Rice
Released: 5/7/21
Dr. David Rice discusses the benefits of temps on clinical cases using LuxaCrown.
Dr. Marus on G-ænial Universal Injectable (03:39)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Robert Marus
Released: 3/3/21
Dr. Robert Marus talks about injectable composites and how they differ from flowable composites, in particular G-ænial™ Universal Injectable, a universal light-cured radiopaque injectable composite.
Dr. Auster on ZR-Cem and Sleeve-It (02:48)
Sponsor: Premier Dental
Presenter: Dr. Peter Auster
Released: 10/6/20
Dr. Peter Auster talks about the why ZR-Cem™ Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement is so different from other resin cements and the benefits of using Sleeve-It™ Disposable Barrier Sleeves to prevent cross-contamination of syringes.
Susan Wingrove on Cervitec Plus (01:53)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Susan Wingrove, RDH, BS
Released: 9/25/20
Susan Wingrove discusses the benefits of Cervitec® Plus Chlorhexidine Varnish, the only antimicrobial varnish on the market today.
Dr. Glazer on ACTIVA Presto (04:45)
Sponsor: Pulpdent
Presenter: Dr. Howard Glazer
Released: 5/14/20
Dr. Howard Glazer discusses the properties and biomimicry of ACTIVA™ Presto™.
Dr. Glazer on ACTIVA BioACTIVE-BASE/LINER (04:00)
Sponsor: Pulpdent
Presenter: Dr. Howard Glazer
Released: 5/14/20
Dr. Howard Glazer discusses the bioactive and physical properties of ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE-BASE/LINER.
Dr. Rice on LuxaCrown (04:22)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. David Rice
Released: 5/5/20
Dr. David Rice discusses a temporary restoration case using LuxaCrown.
Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on Open and Closed Sandwich Techniques (05:12)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 4/16/20
Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz talks about the differences and indications of both the Open and Closed Sandwich Techniques.
Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on EQUIA Forte HT in SMART technique (02:09)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 4/16/20
Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz discusses a Class I clinical case on the first molar treated with a glass ionomer cement (in this case EQUIA Forte® HT) and Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF), otherwise known as the SMART (Silver Modified Atraumatic Restorative Treatment) technique.