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Dr. Shuman on LuxaCrown (02:33)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. Ian Shuman
Released: 12/11/19
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Dr. Ian Shuman discusses the features and composition of LuxaCrown, a long-term provisional.

Dr. DiTolla on IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime (03:27)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Michael DiTolla
Released: 10/30/19
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Dr. Michael DiTolla discusses IPS e.max® ZirCAD® Prime with its true gradation translucency from 3Y TZP to 5Y TZP.

Dr. Fanica on AbsoLute (03:37)
Sponsor: Centrix
Presenter: Dr. Marian Fanica
Released: 10/23/19
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Dr. Marian Fanica discusses the benefits and features of AbsoLute™ Universal Resin Cement.

Lillian Caperila on PremierAir (02:15)
Sponsor: Premier Dental
Presenter: Lillian Caperila, R.D.H., M.Ed.
Released: 9/17/19
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Lillian Caperila talks about standard probes and the features and benefits of PremierAir™ Hygiene and Diagnostic Instruments.

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on Cervitec Plus (03:28)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 9/10/19
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz discusses the benefits and incications of Cervitec® Plus Chlorhexidine Varnish.

Dr. Mechanic on LuxaBite (05:10)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. Elliot Mechanic
Released: 8/8/19
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Dr. Elliot Mechanic demonstrates using LuxaBite, his most valuable go to product, to perform bite registrations.
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arrow_grayThinking Outside the Box (1 CE)

Shannon Pace Brinker on Kolorz ClearShield & Kolorz (04:33)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Ms. Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA
Released: 6/28/19
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Ms. Shannon Pace Brinker discusses using Kolorz® ClearShield varnish, Kolorz® Fluoride Foam, and Kolorz® Fluoride Gel to deliver fluoride for caries prevention.

Dr. Glazer on ACTIVA BioACTIVE-CEMENT (03:54)
Sponsor: Pulpdent
Presenter: Dr. Howard Glazer
Released: 6/21/19
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Dr. Howard Glazer discusses the indications, bioactivity and biomimicry of ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE-CEMENT™.

Marianne Dryer on Enamelon: Efficacy (02:15)
Sponsor: Premier Dental
Presenter: Marianne Dryer, RDH, MEd
Released: 6/19/19
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Marianne Dryer talks about the desirable effects of efficacy of Enamelon® Preventive Treatment Gel.

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on EQUIA Forte (03:56)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 4/26/19
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz shows clinical cases of direct restorations using EQUIA Forte®, a glass hybrid restorative material.

Dr. Austin on OMNICHROMA (04:30)
Sponsor: Tokuyama Dental America
Presenter: Dr. Joshua Austin
Released: 4/23/19
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Dr. Joshua Austin discusses the science and Smart Chromatic Technology behind OMNICHROMA.

Dr. Kaminer on Enamelon - Stannous Fluoride and ACP (04:18)
Sponsor: Premier Dental
Presenter: Dr. Ron Kaminer
Released: 4/10/19
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Dr. Ron Kaminer talks about how Stannous Fluoride and ACP in Enamelon® Preventive Treatment Gel and Enamelon® Fluoride Toothpaste help in desensitization and remineralization.

Dr. Horowitz on G-ænial BULK Injectable (04:56)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Jeff Horowitz
Released: 2/14/19
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Dr. Jeff Horowitz discusses the benefits of G-ænial™ BULK Injectable, an injectable high-strength nano-particle composite with FSC Technology (Full Coverage Silane Coating).

Dr. Halpern on CERASMART (02:58)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Karyn Halpern
Released: 2/8/19
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Dr. Karyn Halpern discusses the features and benefits of using CERASMART®, a revolutionary, force absorbing, flexible nano ceramic CAD/CAM block.

Dr. Miyasaki on ProVecta HD, ScanX PSP sensors, and ScanX Swift (02:20)
Sponsor: Air Techniques
Presenter: Dr. Michael Miyasaki
Released: 1/23/19
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Dr. Michael Miyasaki talks about the value of using ProVecta® HD Intraoral X-Ray, ScanX® PSP sensors, and ScanX® Swift in his office.

Dr. Miyasaki on ScanX Classic and ScanX PSP sensors (03:10)
Sponsor: Air Techniques
Presenter: Dr. Michael Miyasaki
Released: 1/23/19
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Dr. Michael Miyasaki goes over the benefits of ScanX® Classic and ScanX® PSP sensors use in the dental office.

Dr. Brown on GOCCLES (01:36)
Sponsor: Pierrel S.p.A.
Presenter: Dr. Tanya Brown
Released: 1/3/19
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Dr. Tanya Brown discusses the importance of oral cancer screening and the ease of using GOCCLES® for oral cancer detection.

Dr. Goldie on GOCCLES (03:38)
Sponsor: Pierrel S.p.A.
Presenter: Maria Goldie, RDH, BA, MS
Released: 1/3/19
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Dr. Maria Goldie discusses the benefits of GOCCLES®, an oral cancer screening glass, and shows clinical images comparing conventional visual exams versus using GOCCLES®.

Lisa Maisonet on BioCoat (02:23)
Sponsor: Premier Dental
Presenter: Lisa Maisonet, RDH, BS, PHDHP, EFDA, CDA
Released: 1/2/19
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Lisa Maisonet talks about the benefits of BioCoat™, the first and only bioactive pit and fissure sealant featuring SmartCap™ Technology.

Lisa Maisonet on Enamelon (02:08)
Sponsor: Premier Dental
Presenter: Lisa Maisonet, RDH, BS, PHDHP, EFDA, CDA
Released: 1/2/19
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Lisa Maisonet discusses the features of Enamelon®, a great treatment option for patients that are struggling with periodontal disease.

Sponsor: Pulpdent
Presenter: Dr. Arthur Volker
Released: 12/31/18
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Dr. Arthur Volker discusses caries restoration and the use of ACTIVA™ BioACTIVE-RESTORATIVE, a resin modified glass ionomer.

Dr. Simos on Bifix QM (02:42)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 12/31/18
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Dr. Sam Simos talks about prep tapers and using Bifix® QM on retentive and non-retentive crowns.

Dr. Golan on CamX Spectra and Proxi-Head (03:56)
Sponsor: Air Techniques
Presenter: Dr. Howard Golan
Released: 12/28/18
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Dr. Howard Golan discusses using the CamX® Spectra and Proxi-Head for caries detection.

Dr. Fanica on Encore D/C MiniMix and Connexio Self-Etch Bond (02:27)
Sponsor: Centrix
Presenter: Dr. Marian Fanica
Released: 12/28/18
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Dr. Marian Fanica goes over the advantages of using Encore® D/C MiniMix and Connexio™ Self-Etch Bond for core build-up.

Dr. Fanica on Connexio Self-Etch Bond (01:56)
Sponsor: Centrix
Presenter: Dr. Marian Fanica
Released: 12/28/18
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Dr. Marian Fanica talks about the benefits and features of Connexio™ Self-Etch Bond.

Dr. Tawil on Buccal Plate Classifications (04:10)
Sponsor: NSK America
Presenter: Dr. Isaac Tawil
Released: 12/28/18
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Dr. Isaac Tawil talks about the different types of buccal plate classifications and which type is best for implant placement.
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arrow_grayThe Secrets of Implant Dentistry Revealed (1 CE)

Dr. Tawil on Zero Bone Loss Concept (03:06)
Sponsor: NSK America
Presenter: Dr. Isaac Tawil
Released: 12/28/18
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Dr. Isaac Tawil goes over the zero bone loss concept (3mm of soft tissue) for longevity of implants.
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arrow_grayThe Secrets of Implant Dentistry Revealed (1 CE)

Shannon Pace Brinker on Access Automix Temporary Cement (03:33)
Sponsor: Centrix
Presenter: Ms. Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA
Released: 12/27/18
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Shannon Pace Brinker talks about provisional cementation and the benefits of using Access® Automix Temporary Cement.

Shannon Pace Brinker on FluoroDose (02:25)
Sponsor: Centrix
Presenter: Ms. Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA
Released: 12/27/18
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Shannon Pace Brinker discusses placing fluoride, such as FluoroDose®, at the margins of provisional restorations to help prevent decay and sensitivity.

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