Quality Single-Use Burs Make All the Difference
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Lori Trost discusses using good quality single-use burs, from companies such as Microcopy, make all the difference during dental procedures.
Better Bonding, Less Bottles, Happier Dentist
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses streamlining and simplifying the ordering of products using a system like the newer one bottle universal bonding agents.
How Automation and AI Can Boost Your Practice
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses how automation and AI can boost your practice.
How To Frame Your Patient's Mindset and Why It's Important
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses how to frame your patient's mindset with inception and why it's important.
Who's Standing Around The Water Cooler Talking About Their Dentist?
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses complacency with word of mouth versus marketing to grow and generate more revenue for your practice.
How Much Trust Do You Have In Adhesion Dentistry?
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Jose-Luis Ruiz discusses adhesive dentistry and his trust in bonding restorations with adhesives.
Your Curing Light Can Make You or Break You
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Sabiha Bunek
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Sabiha Bunek discusses how your curing light can make you or break you while doing restorations and how Ivoclar's innovation, Bluephase PowerCure, helps address this issue.
OTC Hand Hygiene Products: Are They Safe for Your Practice?
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Marie Fluent
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Marie Fluent discusses over-the-counter hand hygiene products and how using medical grade products is safer for your practice.
Everything's Going Up Except Reimbursement!
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Joshua Austin
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Joshua Austin discusses how all costs have been increasing except for reimbursements and how to work efficiently to be profitable in your practice.
Don't Throw Away Your Impression Material Yet!
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Richard Lipscomb Jr.
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Richard Lipscomb Jr. discusses his use of both traditional materials and an intraoral scanner in his practice, as current scanners have some limitations which require the use of traditional materials.
What You Can't See Can Kill Your Patients!
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Robert Convissar
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Robert Convissar discusses oral cancer and using Goccles, a fluorescence visualization aid, to help you see potential malignant lesions in patients.
Most Common Area In Oral Cavity For Malignancy
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Robert Convissar
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Robert Convissar discusses how to screen for oral cancer by checking the lateral border of the tongue, the most common area in oral cavity for malignancy.
Great and Easy Way to Collaborate Between the GP and Orthodontist - Part 1
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Lois Duerst
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Lois Duerst discusses a great and easy way to collaborate between the GP and Orthodontist.
Start Delegating and Become a Super Efficient Office
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Butterman
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Daniel Butterman discusses how to start delegating some procedures to the dental staff so that the office may become super efficient.
Boost Office Efficiency with Digital Workflow
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Butterman
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Daniel Butterman discusses boosting office efficiency with CAD/CAM and a digital workflow.
The Best Place to Train Your Staff on CPR Is _____?
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Stanley Malamed
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Stanley Malamed discusses the best place to train your staff in CPR is in your office and to train yearly.
Polymerizes Composite Restorations in 3 Seconds!
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. James Klim
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. James Klim discusses 3S Power Cure from Ivoclar, a curing light that polymerizes composite restorations in 3 seconds!
Are Your Patients Having Post Operative Symptoms? Check the Occlusion.
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. James Klim
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. James Klim discusses post operative sensitivity by checking and managing the occlusion.
How to Get Rid of Those Pesky White Spot Lesions
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Sarah Winter
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Sarah Winter discusses how to get rid of those pesky white spot lesions by using resin infiltration with DMG's Icon.
I Got Super Efficient with My RCT After I Did This!
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Aaron Nicholas
Released: 3/28/25
Dr. Aaron Nicholas discusses root canal treatment efficiency when using the cordless Morita Tri-Auto ZX handpiece with built-in apex locator.
Endo to GP: "RCT is done but your patient needs a new crown."
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Dr. Lou Graham
Released: 3/27/25
Dr. Lou Graham discusses the importance of communication between the Endodontist and the General Practitioner and who will convey what needs to be done to the patient for root canal treatment.
Healthier Smiles For Patients With Diabetes - Jamie Collins RDH
Sponsor: Viva Learning
Presenter: Jamie Collins, RDH-EA
Released: 3/25/25
Jamie Collins RDH discusses healthier smiles for patients with diabetes.
Dr. Snyder on Bulk Injectables, FSC and HPC-filler Technologies (04:36)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 6/30/23
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses using bulk injectables such as G-ænial™ BULK Injectable, G-ænial™ Universal Injectable, and G-ænial™ Flo X, and the benefits of GC's proprietary FSC (Full-coverage Silane Coating) technology and HPC-filler (High-performance Pulverized CERASMART® Filler) technology.
Dr. Lowe on Simplified Unishade System (06:29)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Bob Lowe
Released: 4/6/23
Dr. Bob Lowe discusses the Simplified Unishade System for restorations using G-ænial™ A'CHORD, G-Premio BOND, and G-ænial™ Universal Injectable.
Dr. Snyder on Glass Ionomers & EQUIA Forte HT (04:42)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 8/31/22
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses glass ionomers and the benefits if using EQUIA Forte® HT, a bulk fill glass hybrid long term restorative system.
Dr. Auster on G-CEM ONE + Adhesive Enhancing Primer (03:11)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Peter Auster
Released: 8/31/22
Dr. Peter Auster discusses the benefits of using G-CEM ONE™ in conjunction with G-CEM ONE™ Adhesive Enhancing Primer (AEP) for retentive and non-retentive preps.
Dr. Shuman on LuxaCrown and Ecosite (02:06)
Sponsor: DMG America
Presenter: Dr. Troy Schmedding, DDS, AACD
Released: 6/16/22
Dr. Ian Shuman shares several clinical cases for correcting occlusion intraorally using LuxaCrown and Ecosite.
Dr. Snyder on Injectable Composites (04:11)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Todd Snyder
Released: 4/22/22
Dr. Todd Snyder discusses the difference between flowable composites versus injectable composites and goes over the benefits and uses for GC's line of products: G-ænial™ Flo X, G-ænial™ Universal Flo, G-ænial™ Universal Injectable, and G-ænial™ BULK Injectable.
Dr. Rice on Tetric PowerFlow (04:02)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. David Rice
Released: 4/22/22
Dr. David Rice goes over the ideal qualities of a flowable composite, like Tetric® PowerFlow from Ivoclar, for posterior teeth.