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Dr. Rice on Tetric PowerFlow (04:02)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. David Rice
Released: 4/22/22
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Dr. David Rice goes over the ideal qualities of a flowable composite, like Tetric® PowerFlow from Ivoclar, for posterior teeth.
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arrow_grayDirect Restorative: Prep, Place, Profit (1 CE)

Dr. Fagin on IPS e.max Lithium Disilicate (04:40)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Marshall Fagin
Released: 9/15/21
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Dr. Marshall Fagin talks about the clinical performance and esthetic considerations of IPS e.max Lithium Disilicate materials.

Jerry Varner and Dr. Juliani on PrograMill One and IPS e.max CAD (03:40)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: David Juliani, Angela Severance and Jerry Varner
Released: 5/14/21
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Jerry Varner and Dr. David Juliani demonstrates how the highly automated PrograMill One mills a restoration using an IPS e.max CAD block.

Susan Wingrove on Cervitec Plus (01:53)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Susan Wingrove, RDH, BS
Released: 9/25/20
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Susan Wingrove discusses the benefits of Cervitec® Plus Chlorhexidine Varnish, the only antimicrobial varnish on the market today.

Dr. DiTolla on SpeedCEM Plus and Ivoclean (04:27)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Michael DiTolla
Released: 12/13/19
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Dr. Michael DiTolla discusses self-adhesives cements, in particular SpeedCEM® Plus and how it works well with Ivoclean.

Dr. DiTolla on IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime (03:27)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Michael DiTolla
Released: 10/30/19
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Dr. Michael DiTolla discusses IPS e.max® ZirCAD® Prime with its true gradation translucency from 3Y TZP to 5Y TZP.

Dr. Maragliano-Muniz on Cervitec Plus (03:28)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz
Released: 9/10/19
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Dr. Pamela Maragliano-Muniz discusses the benefits and incications of Cervitec® Plus Chlorhexidine Varnish.

Dr. Shull on IPS e.max ZirCAD (02:40)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Franklin Shull
Released: 10/30/18
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Dr. Franklin Shull discusses the translucency and indications of the IPS e.max ZirCAD product portfolio.
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arrow_grayZirconia Mania - Why All the Rage? (1 CE)

Dr. Shull on IPS e.max ZirCAD: Preparation Guidelines (04:19)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Franklin Shull
Released: 10/30/18
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Dr. Franklin Shull talks about the various preparation guidelines for IPS e.max ZirCAD.
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arrow_grayZirconia Mania - Why All the Rage? (1 CE)

Dr. Shull on Ivoclean, Monobond Plus and SpeedCEM Plus (03:35)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Franklin Shull
Released: 10/30/18
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Dr. Franklin Shull talks about cleaning, priming and cementing surfaces using Ivoclean, Monobond Plus and SpeedCEM® Plus.
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arrow_grayZirconia Mania - Why All the Rage? (1 CE)

Dr. Hirata on IPS Empress Direct (03:43)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Ronaldo Hirata
Released: 7/27/17
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Dr. Ronaldo Hirata shows clinical cases and discusses his reasoning for using IPS Empress® Direct from Ivoclar Vivadent for esthetic composite restorations.

Dr. Nosti on IPS e.max (04:28)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. John Nosti
Released: 7/20/17
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Dr. John Nosti talks about using IPS e.max®, his go to all-ceramic system, that allows for great esthetics and strength in restorations.

Dr. Nosti on Esthetic Restorations - Clinical Case (02:56)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. John Nosti
Released: 7/20/17
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Dr. John Nosti discusses a clinical case using IPS e.max®, Variolink® Esthetic LC or Variolink® Esthetic DC and Telio® CS Link for beautiful esthetics.

Dr. Adams on Ivoclean and Monobond Plus (02:11)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Damon Adams
Released: 11/29/16
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Dr. Damon Adams goes over when to use a surface cleaner such as Ivoclean and the use of universal primers, in particular Monobond Plus, when using resin and RMGI cements.

Dr. Olitsky on Adhese Universal (01:50)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Jason Olitsky
Released: 6/8/16
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Dr. Jason Olitsky goes over his adhesive of choice, the Adhese® Universal Light-Curing Dental Adhesive, and the benefits of using the VivaPen®.

Dr. Nosti on SpeedCEM (01:49)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Lee Ann Brady, Jason Olitsky and John Nosti
Released: 11/18/15
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Dr. John Nosti discusses self-adhesive cementation, specifically SpeedCEM™, a self-adhesive, self-curing resin cement with light-curing option.
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arrow_grayDebunking the Myths of Cementation (1 CE)

Dr. Nosti on Variolink Esthetic DC (01:48)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Lee Ann Brady, Jason Olitsky and John Nosti
Released: 11/18/15
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Dr. John Nosti goes over dual cure bonding using Variolink® Esthetic DC, a dual cure cement that is color stable with a true adhesive bond.
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arrow_grayDebunking the Myths of Cementation (1 CE)

Dr. Antonson on Adhese Universal - Bond Strength (01:13)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Donald Antonson
Released: 11/17/15
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Dr. Donald Antonson goes over the Shear Bond Strength of Adhese® Universal, the only consistent, outstanding dentin adhesive with the ability to be forgiving all areas.

Dr. Antonson on Adhese Universal - Compatibility (02:23)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Donald Antonson
Released: 11/17/15
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Dr. Donald Antonson discusses the compatibility of Adhese® Universal VivaPen® and how it is well-suited for any etching protocol for optimum results.

Dr. Antonson on Adhese Universal - VivaPen (01:40)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Donald Antonson
Released: 11/17/15
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Dr. Donald Antonson goes over the features and benefits of using the Adhese® Universal VivaPen® delivery system.

Dr. Antonson on Adhese Universal - Application (02:42)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Donald Antonson
Released: 11/17/15
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Dr. Donald Antonson discusses the fast, time-saving applications and cost of using Adhese® Universal.

Bluephase Pink: Dr Amanda Seay Breast Cancer Awareness Video (00:39)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Released: 9/26/14
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Bluephase Pink: Dr Amanda Seay Breast Cancer Awareness Video

Dr. Brady on Adhese Universal (01:01)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/12/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady talks about universal adhesives, with emphasis on Adhese® Universal Light-Curing Dental Adhesive, for multiple etching techniques.

Dr. Brady on OptraDam Plus (00:52)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/12/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady shares her choice of isolation, a form of rubber dam that has a built-in frame, making procedures easy and quick: OptraDam® Plus.

Dr. Fagin on Virtual XD VPS Impression Material (01:13)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Marshall Fagin
Released: 9/12/14
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Dr. Marshall Fagin discusses the properties of impression materials, highlighting the Virtual® XD VPS Impression Material.
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arrow_grayTips and Tricks to Making a Good Impression (1 CE)

Dr. Fagin on Virtual XD - Clinical Video (02:27)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Marshall Fagin
Released: 9/12/14
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Dr. Marshall Fagin shows a clinical video using Virtual® XD VPS Impression Material to capture well-defined margins on your impressions.
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arrow_grayTips and Tricks to Making a Good Impression (1 CE)

Dr. Rice on Virtual XD VPS Impression Material (00:48)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. David Rice
Released: 9/12/14
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Dr. David Rice discusses setup and use of Virtual® XD VPS Impression Material to capture the ideal, full arch orthodontic aligner impression.
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arrow_grayOrthodontic Aligner Impressions Made Easy (1 CE)

Adhese® Universal VivaPen Clinical Tips Video with Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 7/8/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady shows how to apply Adhese Universal bonding agent directly to the tooth with virtually no waste

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