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Dr. Trushkowsky on BIODENTINE - Clinical Use (00:52)
Sponsor: Septodont
Presenter: Dr. Richard Trushkowsky
Released: 9/26/14
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Dr. Richard Trushkowsky discusses the various clinical uses for BIODENTINE® Bioactive Dentin Substitute.

Bluephase Pink: Dr Amanda Seay Breast Cancer Awareness Video (00:39)
Sponsor: Ivoclar
Released: 9/26/14
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Bluephase Pink: Dr Amanda Seay Breast Cancer Awareness Video

Dr. Flucke on Structur 3 (00:59)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. John Flucke
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. John Flucke discusses office fabrication of provisional impressions using Structur® 3, a temporary crown and bridge material.

Dr. Morin on Futurabond DC and Futurabond U (02:59)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Mark Morin
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Mark Morin goes in to detail about dual-cured composite adhesives with particular emphasis on Futurabond® DC and Futurabond® U.

Dr. Idiculla on Futurabond U (01:50)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Anil Idiculla
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Anil Idiculla talks about the benefits of using Futurabond® U and details the instructions for use.

Dr. Idiculla on Grandio Caps and GrandioSO Heavy Flow (03:45)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Anil Idiculla
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Anil Idiculla discusses using flowable composites, such as Grandio® Caps and Grandio®SO Heavy Flow, for indirect bonding of brackets and attachments to the patient's dentition.

Dr. Simos on Bifix QM (01:03)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Sam Simos discusses the resin bonding protocol and when to use luting cements versus self-adhesive dual-cure resin cements, with Bifix® QM as the material of choice for dual-cure.
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arrow_grayBonding Excellence: Making Your Best Better (1 CE)

Dr. Simos on x-tra base and Grandio Flow (01:24)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Sam Simos talks about using bulk fills that have low physical properties, such as x-tra base and Grandio® Flow, for quadrant dentistry and deep fills.
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arrow_grayBonding Excellence: Making Your Best Better (1 CE)

Dr. Simos on Futurabond U (01:25)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Sam Simos discusses dual-cure bonding agents that do not require adding a separate activator, in particular Futurabond® U.
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arrow_grayBonding Excellence: Making Your Best Better (1 CE)

Dr. Simos on Futurabond U - Non-Retentive Veneer Preps (00:52)
Sponsor: VOCO America
Presenter: Dr. Sam Simos
Released: 9/25/14
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Dr. Sam Simos talks about bonding to indirect substrates and using Futurabond® U for a non-retentive veneer prep after total etching.
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arrow_grayBonding Excellence: Making Your Best Better (1 CE)

Shannon Pace-Brinker on Venus White Max and Venus White Pro (02:35)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Ms. Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA
Released: 9/24/14
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Shannon Pace-Brinker goes in to detail about the benefits of using the Venus White® Max for in office visits and Venus White® Pro for patient's to take home and apply.

Shannon Pace-Brinker on Venus White Ultra (01:42)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Ms. Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA
Released: 9/24/14
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Shannon Pace-Brinker goes in to detail about the benefits of using the Venus White® Ultra for pediatric patients.

Dr. Brady on Venus Pearl (01:12)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/23/14
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Dr. Lee An Brady talks about the benefits of using Venus® Pearl, a nano-hybrid composite with high gloss, high polishability and high sculptability.
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arrow_grayThe ABC’s of Composite Handling (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on Venus Pearl - Layering Guide (02:31)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/23/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady talks about composite layering (the dentin layer) and using the Venus® Pearl Layering Guide, a shade/color wheel for help with dentin composite selection.
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arrow_grayMastering Composite Layering and Blending (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on Venus Pearl - PLT Masters Kit (01:32)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/23/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady talks about composite layering (the enamel layer) and the benefits of using Venus® Pearl PLT Masters Kit.
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arrow_grayMastering Composite Layering and Blending (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on Venus Diamond (03:06)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/23/14
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Dr. Lee An Brady talks about the benefits of using Venus Diamond®, a highly esthetic nano-hybrid composite that is great for layering or single shade matching.
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arrow_grayThe ABC’s of Composite Handling (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on GLUMA Desensitizer (01:54)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/23/14
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Dr. Lee An Brady suggests the best way to eliminate or minimize post-operative sensitivity is to add the use of glutaraldehyde in hema, in particular using GLUMA® Desensitizer.
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arrow_grayThe ABC’s of Composite Handling (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on Flexitime Easy Putty (02:38)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/23/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses the fabrication of a silicone matrix using Flexitime® Easy Putty, a versatile putty that can be used for multiple purposes.
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arrow_grayMastering Composite Layering and Blending (1 CE)

Sally McKenzie on Venus White Patient Smile Assessment Form (03:33)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Sally McKenzie
Released: 9/23/14
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Sally McKenzie talk about the Venus White® Patient Smile Assessment Form and how you can customize and incorporate it in to your practice.
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arrow_grayEnhancing Patient Care and Profits (0 CE)

Sally McKenzie on Venus Smile Store (02:30)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Sally McKenzie
Released: 9/23/14
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Sally McKenzie discusses customizing your personal on-line web store using the Venus Smile® Store by Heraeus Kulzer, which allows your patients to purchase products directly without having inventory stored in your practice.
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arrow_grayEnhancing Patient Care and Profits (0 CE)

Sally McKenzie on Venus Smile Store - Benefits (03:05)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Sally McKenzie
Released: 9/23/14
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Sally McKenzie goes in to detail about creating and using your personal on-line Venus Smile® Store and the benefits having one provides to your practice.
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arrow_grayEnhancing Patient Care and Profits (0 CE)

Sally McKenzie on Venus Smile Store - Brand Loyalty (02:30)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Sally McKenzie
Released: 9/23/14
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Sally McKenzie details personalizing your own Venus Smile® Store to engage new and existing patients, build brand loyalty and help with patient retention.
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arrow_grayKeep Your Patients Returning (1 CE)

Sally McKenzie on Venus Smile Store - Patient Loyalty (02:27)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Sally McKenzie
Released: 9/23/14
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Sally McKenzie discusses using the Venus Smile® Store at the office and other methods to keep the patient loyalty to the practice and help drive traffic to your on-line store.
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arrow_grayKeep Your Patients Returning (1 CE)

Sally McKenzie on Venus Smile Store - Marketing (01:31)
Sponsor: Kulzer
Presenter: Sally McKenzie
Released: 9/23/14
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Sally McKenzie discusses what Heraeus Kulzer offers in terms of customization and marketing material for your Venus Smile® Store and your practice.
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arrow_grayKeep Your Patients Returning (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on GC Fuji I (02:27)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses cementation of restorations and the benefits of using glass ionomers, in particular GC Fuji I®, an enhanced, self-cured luting cement.
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arrow_grayA Quick Guide to Bonding and Cementation (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on GC FujiCEM® 2 and GC Fuji PLUS (01:54)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady discusses the benefits of using resin reinforced glass ionomers, in particular GC FujiCEM® 2 and GC Fuji PLUS®.
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arrow_grayA Quick Guide to Bonding and Cementation (1 CE)

Dr. Brady on G-CEM LinkAce® (02:47)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Lee Ann Brady
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Lee Ann Brady talks about self-etching self-priming resin cements, with emphasis on G-CEM LinkAce®, a self-adhesive resin luting cement.
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arrow_grayA Quick Guide to Bonding and Cementation (1 CE)

Dr. Ward on MI Paste and MI Paste Plus (02:17)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Daniel Ward discusses the benefits of ACP-CPP on tooth structure remineralization, in particular MI Paste™ and MI Paste Plus™.

Dr. Ward on MI Varnish (01:10)
Sponsor: GC America
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Ward
Released: 9/22/14
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Dr. Daniel Ward talks about fluoride varnishes, in particular MI Varnish™, and the benefits and mechanism of its application.

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