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Taking the Fear out of Membranes - When to Use and When to Refer

Presenter: Dr. Sebastiano Andreana Release Date: 11/29/16
Credits:  1 CEU   Reviewed: 2025     Expiration Date: 11/29/28
AGD Subject Code: 490
CE Supporter: GUM

This CE webinar will focus on the use of barriers for Guided Bone Regeneration. It is well known that membranes are needed to isolate soft tissue from invading hard tissue grafts. At times, the combined use of bone graft materials in combination with membranes maybe cumbersome and time consuming. New bone graft materials available on the market minimize these drawbacks, by incorporating the membrane material within the volume of the graft. Techniques and indications for modified socket grafting procedures to easier coverage for sinus lift will be presented, so that the clinicians has additional arrays of materials to make a more in depth referral vs non referral call.

Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the needs for using a membrane for Guided Bone Regeneration applications
2. Become more familiar with different materials that can be used for GBR
3. Implementing the techniques of GBR in the daily practice or decide to refer
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