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Reverse Double Overtie (German Overtie): Incognito™ Appliance System Clinical Guide

Presenter: 3M Ortho Release Date: 11/17/11
Sponsor: 3M Ortho

Tools: Hemostat/Mosquito pliers and ligature director with a small head
Ligature material: Sections of four modules of powerchain (not too thick; can use Rocky Mountain or Ormco)
When to use it: Use the reverse double overtie when you need maximum seating force on the wire.
Technique: Ligature is placed around the hook and the behind the occlusal wing before placing the wire. In contrast to a normal double overtie, the free modules are oriented to the occlusal. To overtie, seat the wire in the slot with a ligature director, stretch the elastic with the hemostat/mosquito pliers over the wire and fix the first module under the hook, using the ligature director to direct the powerchain. To remove the reverse double overtie, use a short dental explorer to pull the ligature from under the hook and remove.   ( disclaimer )

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