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Debonding Clarity ADVANCED brackets off the archwire

Presenter: 3M Ortho Release Date: 3/13/12
Sponsor: 3M Ortho

It is recommended to debond Clarity™ ADVANCED Ceramic Brackets on the archwire. However, single brackets may be debonded off the archwire. The Unitek™ Self-Ligating Bracket Debonding Instrument (REF 804-170) is recommended for debonding Clarity ADVANCED Ceramic Brackets, both on- and off the archwire, since it is specifically designed to maximize the ease of debonding. To debond, position the instrument over the bracket, firmly squeeze the bracket mesial-distal, to utilize the proprietary vertical stress concentrator, and gently rock the instrument back and forth, until the bracket is off the tooth.   ( disclaimer )

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