The mandate on today’s dental clinician and technician to deliver predictable high-strength and highly aesthetic restorations is continually increasing, however, many of the technique and tools necessary in the treatment planning and execution of these restorations remains nebulous. This CE webinar will illustrate straightforward treatment planning, material selection, and laboratory protocols for achieving uncommon results for successful patient outcomes.
In this CE webinar you can expect to learn about cavity preparation design for primary molars, placement techniques, order of operations, matrix placement, and material choice.
During this CE webinar, we will
• learn how to identify the armamentarium needed for the dental dam procedure and explain the function of each component
• explain how to prepare the patient for the dental dam placement, determine the isolation area, and describe and demonstrate how dental dam material is prepared
• gain the knowledge and be able to list and demonstrate the steps in placing and removing the dental dam
Denture technology has remained relatively unchanged for decades. Thanks to new record-taking techniques, sophisticated digital technology, advanced base and teeth materials, and precision-milling strategies, dentures are undergoing a paradigm shift. They are no longer your grandmother’s denture.
Advanced 3D digital software utilize anatomical landmarks and face overlays to more accurately position teeth in a consistent manner that can result in a reduced number of treatment appointments. Material and manufacturing breakthroughs allow the clinician to expect enhanced digital denture strength and esthetics. Implant-supported dentures and hybrid dentures have benefited the most from this wave innovation.
In this 2-part live panel discussion, Drs. Robert A. Lowe and John C. Comisi from the Medical University of South Carolina, James B. Edwards College of Dental Medicine in Charleston, SC discuss the use of heated composites in direct restorative dentistry. For many years, composite materials have been described as “packable” and “condensable”. Is this actually true? Since marginal adaptation and seal is an important component for long-term clinical success, traditional composite placement may not be the best way to achieve this goal. Heated composites may provide the clinician a more predictable way to deliver superior adaptation of the material to the cavity preparation without “condensation. If you are experiencing challenges with your composite restorations, this unique format “Q and A” format will allow you to ask the “professors” directly, as they discuss the clinical benefits and science behind the use of heated composites in restorative dentistry. This is a CE webinar series not to be missed!
Upon completion of this CE webinar, you will be able to:
• Understand the importance of evaluating a product and what to look for
• Compare one product vs. another for usage in different applications
• Become more familiar with the science of restorative materials
• Learn the techniques for using the materials as they were intended
Cosmetic dentistry is no longer a novelty as it was in the 1980’s, it is serious business. Patient expectations are growing so that you must learn to master the art and science not only in the front but the back of the mouth. Fortunately, advancements in technology and materials have allowed dentists and their teams to be on the same page with the patient, lab, and specialist that help you create extra-ordinary results that are predictable and profitable for the practice and often affordable for patients.
Dentistry found itself with a shortage of team members in the wake of a pandemic. This shortage means many offices require temporary people to fill these positions. This has brought light to an issue in dentistry - a lack of standard operating procedures. In this CE webinar, we will discuss the procedures in the practice that require immediate attention to help the temporary employee practice safe dentistry in your practice.
During this CE webinar, the participant will review
• the different types of zirconia and what are their properties
• clinical indications for zirconia
• how to bond zirconia
This dynamic CE webinar will cover:
• the latest formula for material selection
• viscosity driven composite placement
• tips & tricks for a myriad of clinical scenarios
In this CE webinar, we will
• learn two new patient experiences that create happy, paying patients who repeat and refer
• build a predictable prevention to restorative connection that stops cancellations and no shows
• maximize today's top products and procedures to reconnect your restorative patients to their ideal recare schedule
• grow your patients oral health and practice productivity
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the participant will understand:
• Rules of body mechanics: the good, the bad and the ugly
• Posture: does anyone stand straight anymore?
• Equipment: ideas for seating and lighting that may affect the way you look at your patient
• Instruments: what the industry is doing for practitioners
• Practical suggestions for “out of the office” and “in the office” body survival techniques
Participate in a sharing of organ transplantation and donation information; learn about transplant recipients and their need for specialized dental care. This CE webinar will offer insight about the "how to’s" of not only dental care for organ recipients but also communication with their families. We will also share insight on how to be a donor; understand that process and how to aid in sharing the message with your patients and colleagues on how to save lives!
Our understanding of the importance of removing and preventing oral biofilms has evolved rapidly. We now know that left unchecked biofilm in the oral cavity leads to a range of dental issues and systemic illnesses. In this CE webinar, Dr. Kurtzman explains the microbiology of biofilms and the harmful pathogens they harbor which cause these health issues. He reviews effective clinical and homecare interventions including a new antimicrobial composite technology designed to protect restorations from secondary caries.
Damaged restorations can be easily repaired. However, a damaged reputation can sometimes be impossible to restore to its previous state. In this CE webinar, Dr. Michael Melkers will share insights he gained throughout the two decades of private practice on the ways you can keep both of these intact in order to lower your stress in anterior restorative dentistry.
After this CE webinar, the participant will
• develop a patient-centered, emotion-based clinical exam, shedding the coldness and objectivity taught in dental school
• understand the major psychological barriers preventing patients from moving forward with treatment, and learn the best ways to uncover and empathize with those
• discover the value in starting the new patient interview during the initial phone call
• return to the office the next day with several actionable tools that will get your patients to say "yes" to complex full mouth treatment
As all dentists know, many patients put off care "until it hurts" which we understand as the development of an acute infection. Treatment of these dental emergencies can be difficult due to ineffective local anesthetic response, the severity of the infection and the patient's severe pain. However turning this into a positive experience for the patient can lead to a valued and long term doctor/patient relationship. This CE webinar will discuss and present specific case examples of dental infections. With this information the dentist can determine which ones can be treated in the office, which cases need initial medical (antibiotic management) and which ones require urgent referral to the emergency department or specialist.
This CE webinar will deal with numerous aspects of comprehensive restorative aesthetic dentistry and efficient patient care in today’s dental practice. We will discuss how to make routine dental procedures such as adhesion and direct resins more predictable and efficient using the latest material technologies. Modern adhesive procedures, including pulpal treatment, and more conventional insertion techniques will be discussed to aide the clinician in developing a foolproof method to deliver high quality, long-lasting restorations.
Dental professionals have faced challenges in obtaining Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the pandemic. In some cases, the shortages have been alleviated, however, the perception still exists. Based on this and increasing PPE costs, dental practices may resort to purchasing these devices from unfamiliar suppliers. This has risks, to both the dental teams and patients, since alternate distributors, in some cases, may sell PPE that is not NIOSH certified or FDA cleared for use in healthcare settings. This CE webinar will discuss the agencies that test and approve PPE for use in these settings, how to access proper resources to ensure a dental practice is using approved PPE, what criteria to follow when making product selections for PPE.
During this CE webinar, we will
• Review how the pH of the mouth influences calculus formation and periodontal disease
• Discover powerful communication skills to increase the patient’s ownership of their current oral health
• Evaluate pH testing for your office and how to implement it into a patient’s preventive visits
In this CE webinar, Dr. Stanley Malamed reviews considerations when dentists treat medically compromised patients including those with obesity, respiratory, hepatic and cardiovascular conditions. Dr. Malamed will provide medical explanations of these conditions and then discuss approaches to treating such patients.
What do today's fastest growing dental practices do differently than all the others? They master Digital Smile Design and the systems around it. In this CE webinar, Dr. David Rice shares his first-hand experience on how technology and the digital workflow that resulted transformed his practice, his patient's experience and, most importantly, his profitability.
Dental practices have struggled with numerous safety issues during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, such as wearing the correct PPE, adequately decontaminating treatment rooms, and containing aerosols commonly produced during dental procedures. The pandemic emphasized the need to improve air quality and aerosol safety in dental practices and the need for re-evaluating PPE protocols as well as engineering controls in the treatment room. This CE webinar will discuss the hazards that exist in the treatment rooms beyond COVID-19 and how dental practices can create a safer environment for patients and the dental team.
As clinicians we are pressed for time in the busy day of serving patients, yet we want to do all we can to provide optimal care for each patient in the appointment time. Dentists and dental hygienists often report not feeling completely confident when performing the visual and tactile evaluation. Practice and consistently performing a procedure leads to confidence and efficiency. In this CE webinar we will review a thorough visual and tactile, intraoral and extraoral evaluation/EOIO, discuss components of the oropharyngeal evaluation, review optimal documentation, and why Mallampati score, and Tonsil grade are important to this evaluation.
Right now, there are numerous different direct restorative materials for posterior restorations. If you want to know more about injectable composites, advances in traditional composites, glass ionomers and bioactive materials then you will want to be present for this CE webinar.
In this CE webinar, learn how to effectively make your patients’ fear and anxiety lessen by seeing them through to accepting dental implant surgery in a minimally invasive and efficient process. Concepts of digital CAD design and piezo ultrasonic surgery will be demonstrated through a live surgery presentation. Learn to apply accuracy and precision in real time for your dental implant procedures.
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) movement has grown rapidly in many areas of our society, many believe that it can be used as a vehicle to improve access to care and provide a host of other benefits in the dental field as well. This course provides an overview of DEI, with an emphasis on DEI and the individual dental practice.
During this CE webinar, we will discuss the current trends in dental materials and techniques as they relate to direct restorations. How have materials changed and evolved over the past few years and how do those changes affect your procedures and your practice? This fast-paced webinar will help catch everyone up to the dental materials and techniques of today’s dentistry, focusing on bulk fill resin composite and composite heating.
There are two great stresses clinicians feel in dentistry: lack of time and clinical failure. They are intertwined and often inseparable. When we are running behind, we feel every tick of the clock which often temps us to cut corners to catch up with the schedule. The pressure to produce can be taxing. All of this centers on our clinical dentistry and the necessity for dependable, symptom free, consistent adhesion. There are steps we can take to minimize the wasted time associated with failure by knowing what to look for in our restorative materials and how best to use them. This CE webinar will focus on procedures we do every day, fillings and crowns, and getting the most clinical success possible with great clinical success resulting in less time re-doing things. The least pressure is to do it right the first time.